Sunday, February 13, 2011

you have to see this

creeeeeepppyyyy, but i love it.

wait whaaattt?

While I was looking up information about my last post, I stumbled upon this artist, and I fell in love. I feel I have no choice but to meet the man who created these pieces. They are all so bright, beautiful, innovative and eye-catching. His name is Archan Nair, and he is from New Delhi and has been featured in advertisements.

The piece I chose is called was for a project called Gaia 10. This is a project which has artists coming together to capture the beauty found in nature through art; the idea is to raise awareness for climate change. This is mixed media, i believe he does most of this with photoshop. When i found this out, part of me died inside. I love that it looks somewhat like a watercolor. It would have a different feel without the negative space left by the "brush marks" I like how some of the colors overlap the outlines. I like the diagonal movement of the piece and also the unity of it, created by the colors he used.

the air of the times

So, I was at work, closing in the cosmetics department after a long day of trying to sell perfumes, when I noticed this box in the corner labeled "L'air du Temps"...

It had 2 doves on it, somewhat like the doves I am using in the tessellations project. The colors definitely caught my eye and I wondered to myself, who thought to put these doves on this box? where did this design come from? what does this stuff smell like? Because if its as magical as 2 doves then I definitely want some!

It is 2 white doves on a yellow box, it is hard to find the artist or the medium, but I am pretty sure it is ink on a yellow box. I am not sure how this is processed. Another thing i noticed is that the image does not wrap around. it stops on the front panel, which is hard to believe and intriguing.